8 Ways Spiritual Entrepreneurs Measure Success
Success means different things to many different people, from all walks of life. For some, it is about being able to live in peace and harmony with the land. For others it is having massive amounts of money at their fingertips. For still others it is all about power and being powerful.
8 ways Spiritual Entrepreneurs Measure Success:
*status symbols in the form of luxurious homes and furnishings
*designer labels
*earning 6 and 6-figure incomes
*the number of people on a mailing list or Social Media followers
*being able to travel to exotic places
*climbing the corporate ladder
*knowing one’s Life Purpose
*Best-Selling Author
It could also be about being able to live in a country and in a manner of one’s choosing. We are all gifted with free will, the gift of choice. For many people round the world, simply being able to choose is the ultimate form or measure of success.
When I ask my clients and students what success is for them, most have never truly thought about this, much less given serious below the surface consideration to what success is or what it looks and feels like.
So many people have been told that to be Spiritual is also about not wanting to have money except to cover their needs. It is an unwritten rule that to be Spiritual one must choose not to have anything in excess, especially money. Money is often seen as evil and makes people corrupt.
There is nothing that lowers one’s vibration more than to wonder and worry where the next client, job, opportunity or dollar is going to come from. A truth is, when you worry about how to make ends meet, all you think about is money … how much there is and worrying if you can pay the rent or put food on the table.
How beautiful Soul, does lack feed your Soul or help you do what you came here to do?
It doesn’t.
Here’s part of what defines success for me …
… Being able to host the Success and Prosperity Mastery Interview Series, creating a platform for amazing, gifted and talented entrepreneurs from all walks of life expressing themselves and lessons learned along the way.
It also helps many others find the courage to find their own voice. Lessons, challenges and obstacles are part of the Journey Less Traveled … the way of the courageous in-Spirit requires us all to step out beyond everything we have come to know, trust and believe keeps us safe and insulated from doubt and fear.
The interview series also helps position me on the leading edge and as the ‘go to Angel Lady’ in the Spiritual Community. Even putting that into printed words, causes me to take several deep breaths, quieting Ego-chitter chatter attempting to call me out as vain and egotistical.
The more I choose to show-up, the more I can be of service, helping others along their Journey Less Traveled.
… Being able to set aside time each week to channel this book with the intention of reaching thousands upon thousands of women and men round this planet.
Each and every person, including you, has something special to offer with the rest of us. Most of us have shamed, taught or worse … bullied into remaining silent. Silence in this instance, is certain death for the sharing of your unique message with the world.
… Being able to take the time for personal retreats, to re-connect with my inner-intuitive self and re-charge my Spiritual energy from the inside out is paramount to continually up-leveling my inner-vibration to the next level and beyond.
Stepping away is one of the ways I give myself permission to be in the silence, connecting with Mother Earth and beloved Angels. Taking a break is essential for personal and Spiritual Growth and letting go.
… Being able to step into faith is for me an incredible success milestone. I used to worry about how to pay bills and be able to invest in growing my business. Several months ago, September 2016, I received clear guidance during a Skype meeting with my webmaster. You see, I was thinking of opening an online Crystal Shoppe. The guidance was to specialize in one-of-a-kind pieces. Mind you, the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show was 5 months away.
This also meant having a significant budget to invest in this venture I was clearly being guided to pursue. I love crystals and have a few hundred or so round my home, home office and in my meditation gardens. Six years had passed since I had been to the Tucson Gem shows. I used to write articles about crystals, teach Crystal Healing Classes and sell crystals and tumbled stones.
This is where stepping into faith comes in, because intuitively I knew what the budget was to be. It was a bit scary as I was re-building financially after experiencing major surgery just 6 weeks earlier.
My beloved Angels have always been there for me, even in the darkest of moments. It is in having and stepping into faith which allowed the financial budget to manifest AND have more in my bank accounts too! Following guidance, I was able to re-coup 2/3 of the initial investment, including travel expenses in just 2 days of the soft-opening of my Secrets from the Crystal Garden Shoppe.
What defines success for you beautiful Soul? Be willing to go below the surface of what the conscious mind tells you it should look and feel like for you. Perhaps success is earning 6-figures or multi-6-figures. Or landing a promotion, living in your dream home … maybe even teaching others how to connect with Angels.
What truly defines success for you? Be willing to go below the surface of what the conscious mind tells you. Perhaps success is earning 6-figures or multiple 6-figures a year. Or landing a promotion, living in your dream home … maybe even teaching others to connect to Angels.
Speaking of Angels, the first Angel to join us along this journey of Becoming a Mover and Shaker of Your Reality, is one of my longtime Angel Companions, Melchizedek. This powerful Angel continually helps me step out beyond what is commonly referred to as ‘the comfort zone.’ He helps me find the courage to follow the path as it is revealed to me.
No matter what your purpose or path is, it’s all about repeatedly stepping out beyond everything you have ever known and gotten used to doing, saying and becoming. Sometimes Melchizedek’s energy is or feels brutal in his frank-no-nonsense messages and guidance. At other times, his energy is subtle, like a benevolent big brother keeping watch … you know … just in case there’s a ‘stumble’ or unforeseen obstacle. This is when, if you have been heeding guidance given you’re given a hand-up to see the bigger vision that is waiting for you.
Here are a few of the many ways Melchizedek helps you, beautiful Soul …
… protect you from stumbling and getting discouraged on the path that’s in front of you
… make the right and best decisions for you, your business and your Spiritual Path
… guides you to the right people to help and support you as the next steps are revealed
Melchizedek is one of the most powerful Angels. He is also known as the Angel Prince of Peace. He is the Angel of Spiritual Growth and Expansion. He also specializes in mentoring Spiritual Entrepreneurs to become more of who they are deep within.
In order to grow and expand Spiritually, one of two ‘states of being’ need to occur …
#1: A great sense of peace flowing through you as if there is nothing and no-one external to you that can possibly disrupt or distract you from your path. It’s a feeling that is best described as floating in trust and faith. It is in the silence, you prepare to receive guidance, messages and confirmation about a plan of action you are about to put into motion.
#2: Descending into a state of great upheaval like being laid-off or discovering and coming face-to-face with beliefs that no longer serve you or your highest and best good on any level. This can feel like everything is unravelling or spiraling out of control right before your eyes and there doesn’t’ seem to be anything you can do about it.
No matter which ‘state of being’ --- peace or upheaval --- you are experiencing, Melchizedek will help you navigate the seemingly treacherous energies of transition and ultimate transformation.
This magnificent Angel will help make decisions from a space within you laced with unconditional love and compassion. He will most definitely help you start, grow or expand your business.
You need only ask for his help to discern the difference between inner-intuitive guidance and conscious-mind Ego-chitter chatter. Once you have ‘asked,’ be open to receive and trust what is being given to you. If you’re unsure if what you’re getting is really from Melchizedek --- ask --- ask for confirmation. It’s better to ask for clarification and confirmation than to assume what you’re getting is from your human-self and disregard it as unworthy of your attention!
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