Angels Success & Prosperity: Become a Mover & Shaker of Your Reality
Angels Success & Prosperity: Become a Mover & Shaker of Your Reality
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With modern age comes progress, technology and the manifestation of wonderful things. But it has also brought a couple of other not so rightful things like distance, self-absorption and a deep feeling of disconnection with each other. It’s a price that some say is needed to pay for such an advance – something never before seen in the history of mankind. Others believe in a new opportunity to redefine ourselves and connect once more with our inner self, something that shines as bright as the Sun and that will forever be with us no matter what age we are, where we go or what we achieve.
Spirituality is often forgotten as the Age of Technology and wonders come to engulf society. But as The Universe is eternally wise, it manifests itself through people and their actions to overcome these kinds of distractions – transforming them into opportunities for deeper inner growth. That’s where we are right now, in a journey of stepping out into the “spotlight” as Spiritual Leaders and Entrepreneurs.
Being of service has and is at the heart and Soul of everything and what this Book´s author is all about, and her name is the Angel Lady Terrie Marie, D.Ms. She has written more than half a dozen books dedicated to enlightening people's lives and showing them the way to a more fulfilling way of life, being of service to others, their businesses and experiencing financial prosperity. It doesn't matter where they are right now, every person can reprogram their conscious mind and break through all barriers, achieving their dreams and goals on their terms.
Why do people hold back? So many Spiritual Entrepreneurs are facing this dilemma as they constantly worry about what others think or say about them, which is something totally irrelevant when it comes to achieving the most loving and powerful realization a person can obtain: Inner Peace. The author believes that in almost every case these beautiful Souls just need reassurance that they are not crazy for ‘hearing, seeing or sensing’ things differently than most. It's a blessing, a gift, a way through that forgotten side of our existence that the Modern Age has managed to hide – partially – inside a world of technological advance and virtual connection.
Angels Success and Prosperity is for Spiritual Entrepreneurs who are ready to raise their Vibration to the next higher level and beyond, step into their value completely and allow themselves and their message to be heard - standing out from the crowd. You can stop hiding behind the mask of fear of failure and self-sabotage, to be able to create a new, more powerful reality that is both in alignment and authentic to whom You Are.
✨✨✨ Disclaimer: All crystal healing uses, magical uses and metaphysical definitions are provided as a means of education, and do not imply a guarantee of effect. Those suffering from illness or dis-ease, should consult with their General Practitioner. Crystal healing is a holistic complementary healthcare practice and should be carried out by a suitably qualified crystal healing practitioner. To view additional Collections, click this link: ✨✨✨